Hint: You can use the Tab key to autocomplete all filenames and directories, so you don't have to type in the complete file or directory name manually.

Note: If you don't already have a TeamSpeak 3 server for which you want to install this web interface, you can also have a look at my tutorial on how to install a TeamSpeak 3 server.

This tutorial was last checked and updated on April 3, 2023.

  1. If you havn't already done so, download the program "PuTTY".
  2. Connect to your root server or VPS/vServer via SSH using PuTTY. To do this, open PuTTY and enter the domain or IP address of your server in the text box named "Host Name (or IP address)". Then click the "OK" button below.
  3. Update your package lists with the command apt update.
  4. Now install any available updates of the packages already installed on your server using the command apt upgrade -y.
  5. Next, install the packages needed for the following steps. To do this, use the command apt install nano unzip -y.
  6. Of course, a web server is required for the installation of the TeamSpeak 3 web interface. If you don't have a web server installed yet, install the Apache2 web server with PHP 7. My tutorial for this installation can be found here.
  7. Go to the web directory where you want to install the web interface. The default directory of the Apache2 web server is located at "/var/www/html". The command to switch to this directory is cd /var/www/html
  8. Then use the command wget https://www.bennetrichter.de/downloads/ts3wi.zip to download the TeamSpeak 3 web interface.
  9. After the download is completed, you should see the downloaded .zip archive using the command ls. Unzip this archive you just downloaded by executing the command unzip ts3wi.zip.
  10. Since the archive is now unpacked, delete it using the command rm ts3wi.zip.
  11. Next, go to the web interface directory with the command cd ts3wi.
  12. Open the configuration file in the nano text editor using the command nano config.php and edit this file. The value after "$server[0]['alias']" defines the name of your TeamSpeak 3 server, which will be displayed in the web interface. For "$server[0]['ip']", you need to enter the IP address of your TeamSpeak 3 server. If your TeamSpeak 3 server runs on the same root server or VPS/vServer as the web server for this web interface, then you can leave it at "". The value of "$server[0]['tport']" specifies the TeamSpeak 3 query port. The default port is 10011 and it's already entered correctly. However, if you changed this query port manually, you have to change it in this config file as well. The other settings can remain unchanged.
  13. If you haven't made any changes to the configuration file, exit the editor with CTRL + X. If you have changed the configuration file, save your changes by pressing CTRL + X, then hit the "Y" key and press enter.
  14. Now assign the required owner permissions for the webinterface directory to the web server user with the command chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/ts3wi/.
  15. Now you need to add the IP address of your root server or VPS/vServer running the TeamSpeak 3 web interface to the file named "query_ip_whitelist.txt" in the directory of your TeamSpeak 3 server. If the TeamSpeak 3 server is running on the same server as the web server for the web interface, you can open this file directly with the nano editor. If you have installed your TeamSpeak 3 server using my tutorial, then the command is nano /home/ts3/teamspeak3-server_linux_amd64/query_ip_whitelist.txt. Add the IP address of your root server or VPS/vServer at the end of this file and save your changes by pressing CTRL + X, then hit the "Y" key and press enter.
  16. Finally, restart your TeamSpeak 3 server so that the server IP address entered in the "query_ip_whitelist.txt" file is recognized by your TeamSpeak 3 server.
  17. Your TeamSpeak 3 web interface is now fully installed and ready for use. You can access it by entering the IP address or domain of your root server or VPS/vServer and the directory/path "ts3wi" in your web browser. For example, navigate your web browser to "". The username for the login is "serveradmin" and the password is the server admin password of the TeamSpeak 3 server. You can set this password manually by appending the parameter "serveradmin_password" to the start script when starting the TeamSpeak 3 server. Thus, the full start command is ./ts3server_startscript.sh start serveradmin_password=YourPassword. Replace "YourPassword" with the password you want to set.